The Other 167 Hours: How the Eucharist Supercharges the Rest of our Week

The Other 167 Hours: How the Eucharist Supercharges the Rest of our Week
12/16/2024, 7:00 PM

The Other 167 Hours: How the Eucharist Supercharges the Rest of our Week
Ever wonder if that one hour at Mass could be a difference maker the rest of the week? Like, could it help you keep the faith even after watching the Bears play? That's exactly what we're driving towards in our Advent talk “The Other 167 Hours” - a powerful Christmas-themed session exploring how the Eucharist fuels the rest of our week.

The talk is on Monday, December 16th from 7pm-8pm, where we’ll tackle how the beauty of a nativity painting reveals our true identity. Expect to laugh, reflect, and see how the art and wisdom of the season bring the Eucharist to life in new ways.

Our presenter, Carmel faculty member Greg Kozak, makes our faith both profound and understandable. Mixing his three decades of experience as a technology executive, a couple advanced degrees in theology, and a knack for blending art with spirituality, he’s taken audiences around the world on faith journeys. This event is free and open to the public; all are welcome! Registration is not required but is helpful for planning purposes. Questions? Contact [email protected].…

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