Rosary for Hope

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Rosary for Hope
5/4/2025, 2:00 PM
Carmel Catholic High School, Baker Stadium

Special guests include Kevin Matthews, former radio personality and a sought-after speaker known for his heartfelt and engaging talks on faith, healing, and the journey from brokenness to hope. Also joining us will be Patrick McCaskey, Chairman of Sports Faith International, a non-profit Chicago-based initiative dedicated to inspiring and transforming our culture through the world of sports.

This special event will honor the legacy of Venerable Patrick Peyton and continue his mission of encouraging prayer in the home, by gathering large groups together to pray the Rosary under his simple motto, “The family that prays together stays together.” Also joining us will be Fr. David Marcham, Vice Postulator for the Cause of Venerable Patrick Peyton and Fr. Fred Jenga, C.S.C., President of Holy Cross Family Ministries.

This event is sponsored by Carmel Catholic High School, Family Rosary Rallies, Holy Cross Family Ministries and Sports Faith International.

VIsit to learn more and for free ticketed entry.


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