Strategic Direction
Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Driven to enrich the student experience at Carmel Catholic High School, the 2021-2026 Strategic Plan is:
- Inspired by the tenets of our Catholic faith.
- Designed in pursuit of academic excellence.
- Achieved in an environment supportive of developing the whole student.
- Centered on the principles that unite us in community, celebrating and respecting the individual gifts and experiences of every member.
- Supported by foundational efforts to invite a broad base of constituents to engage in the Carmel community throughout their lifetime.
Catholic Identity
Inspired by the tenets of our Catholic faith.
Designed in pursuit of academic excellence.
Student Life
Achieved in an environment supportive of developing the whole student.
Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Centered on the principles that unite us in community, celebrating and respecting the individual gifts and experiences of every member.
Brand & Enrollment
Supported by foundational efforts to invite a broad base of constituents.
Continued improvement to the Carmel campus.

Corporate Board
The corporate board consists of three BVMs and three Carmelites. The BVM president and the Carmelite provincial (or their representatives) shall serve terms co-terminus with their term of office. The terms of membership of the remaining members shall be three years and two consecutive terms may be served. Among the duties of the corporate board, they have the power and authority over the following:
- To approve any change in purpose, philosophy or objectives of Carmel Catholic High School.
- To confirm the selection and removal of the president of Carmel Catholic High School.
- To appoint directors to and remove directors from the board of directors.
- To approve all other matters reserved to the members by law or not otherwise under the authority of the board of directors.
Board of Directors
The purpose of the board of directors is to oversee the affairs of the school. The board of directors shall have at least 13, but no more than 19 voting members. The board of directors shall consist of at least two BVMs, two Carmelites and at least nine lay persons. The term of office for all directors shall be three years and two consecutive terms may be served. Among the many duties of the board of directors, they have the power and responsibility over the following:
- Enact policies for the school which are consistent with the mission statement and bylaws of Carmel Catholic High School.
- Coordinate long range planning and approve the advancement plan for the school.
- Review and approve all plans for major physical renovation or improvement to the school.
- Oversee the financial stability of the school, including approval of its annual budget.
- Conduct an annual assessment of the president of Carmel Catholic High School and report the results to the corporate board.
The board of directors may establish standing or special committees from time to time as it shall deem necessary for the conduct of the school’s affairs in accordance with the bylaws. There are currently nine standing committees: building and grounds, committee on directors, advancement, finance, long range planning, program and student life, marketing and admissions, technology, and mission and Catholic identity.
If you have any questions about our corporate board and/or board of directors, please contact Dr. Brad Bonham at [email protected] or 847-388-3340.