Campus Ministry
"To be at Carmel is to learn by heart that there is no separation between what is holy and our everyday life; wherever we are and whatever we are doing, there is God." - Mary Ann Zollmann, BVM
The mission of the Campus Ministry Department is to provide opportunities for spiritual growth and responsible participation in the life and mission of the Church through celebration of Liturgy, diverse prayer experiences, Christian service and retreat experiences.
Campus Ministry cultivates leadership in Carmel Catholic students with the goal of nurturing future leaders in the Church. Liturgies, prayer services and retreats are primarily student planned and led.
The legacy inherited from our founding orders animates our efforts. The core values of freedom, charity, education and justice from our BVM heritage, along with the call to “live in the presence of God” through prayer, community and service from our Carmelite heritage, provide inspiration and give shape to each of our programs.

What "knots" are in your life? Bring them to Mary and also entrust the Carmel community to keep your prayers in our prayers as well.